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WebAppers – besplatni resursi za web mahere
Na stranici WebAppers možete pronaći mnoštvo besplatnih (open source) proizvoda za web dizajnere/developere. Moto ove stranice je Best Open Source Resources for Web Developers i možemo slobodno reći da ga sadržaj opravdava. Sadržaj je smješten u tri glavne kategorije: komponente, dizajn i ekstra koje se potom dijele u mnoštvo pod kategorija. Od skripti, menija, mapa, kalendara, formi pa sve do boja, gumbi, ikona, slika i još mnogo, mnogo toga. Ako želite možete sadržaj pregledavati i po kategoriji licence pod kojom je izdan. Sve u svemu jako koristan site, a što Webmaster kaže o projektu pročitajte ovdje:
About WebAppers
My name is Ray Cheung. I am a freelance web designer and web applications programmer with over 10 years experience. As a freelancer, we have to reduce the cost of development. Therefore, we need open source resources to aid our development. I have spent a large amount of time of researching information on the internet and have found many high quality and free resources for web developers. Now I would like share all my findings in WebAppers. I hope that you can put them to good use.
We Pick the Best Resources for You
I have seen lots of ‘999+ Ajax Resources’ and ‘888+ Web Developer Resources’. In my opinion, we do not need a list of resources, spending so much time on picking the useful ones. What we need is a list of the top quality resources, so that we can spend more time on our web development. WebAppers does just that.
All of the Resources are Open Source
When we work on our projects or freelance work, we would like to reduce our cost of development. That’s why we need to find open source resources, so that we can use or modify it at no cost.
License Categories
All of the open source resources for web developers can be found easily by the following license categories:
- BSD License
- Creative Commons
- GPL License
- LGPL License
- License Free
- MIT License
Daily Updated
WebAppers is daily updated no matter what. Trust me!
I welcome any opinions. If you have any suggestions on great resources, please feel free to contact me or leave a comment. Thank you for supporting WebAppers.
Slični sadržaj:
- iconPot - potpuno besplatne ikone za dizajnere (Jako slično)
- Flash i SEO indeksiranje stranica (Slično)
- SitePoint reference (Slično)
- Web dizajn galerije (Slično)
- Blog Security (Slično)
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